Since its inception in 2017, Bay Area Queer Zine Fest has striven to positively maintain, support, and contribute to the queer + creative communities it proactively represents.

Our Mission

BAQZF aims to provide and uphold a safe, welcoming, and accessible space for all vendors, patrons, and passersby by organizing events centered around inclusivity and constructive interactions with the external and internal communities of the Bay Area and beyond.

With these conditions in mind, BAQZF asks all vendors, patrons, and passersby to refrain from violating any and all boundaries set forth by their peers. We expect all participants of BAQZF events to be accountable for their actions and behaviors; those who implicitly or explicitly violate our Safer Spaces Policy will be asked to voluntarily excuse themselves from the event and, in some cases, further action will be accessed for participation in future events.

BAQZF welcomes any and all dialogue regarding our events and mission.

As of June 2023, Bay Area Queer Zine Fest is now fiscally sponsored by Oakland-based DIY arts nonprofit Rock Paper Scissors Collective! This will assist us in expanding our programming and in making all donations to BAQZF tax-deductible. We’re excited to continue working with RPSC; together is better!

💌 Join our mailing list for updates on what we’re up to! 💌